UNCOVERED! – Why More Women Are Taking Off Their Hijab

“Oh My GOD! You’re still wearing the veil! Congratulations!”

That’s the new greeting my friends and I share now. We joke about it, but coming to think of this newly disclosed trend, I suddenly realize it’s so NOT funny! Off the top of my head, I can name over twenty women who have removed their Hijab in the past year, and as one by one of my family and friends throw in their scarves, it gets harder to be amongst the few girls still standing.

This comes from nowhere near a high horse!  I’m not here to judge or criticize. I know these ‘uncovered’ women. I love them and respect them and I’ve witnessed their struggles for years. I’ve seen them fight invisible battles before giving up, and if God didn’t give me the stamina and strength, perhaps I might have been one of them.

I make no condemnations, assumptions or speculations. I’m only here to unveil the truth shared by Muslim women brave and honest enough to explain why they took off their Hijab.


Veiled women make the conscious decision to cover their beauty, and for the most part, feel like they’ve become unattractive in the process. It’s a feminine instinct to take pride in our looks. We go bankrupt buying anti-aging creams, designer outfits and high-heeled shoes because the way we present ourselves is part of who we are. We strive on compliments and hidden glances of admiration, and losing that makes us feel old, rejected or excluded. Deep down we all love attention and we all want to be noticed.

Letting down your hair and showing off the body you’ve been starving for the past month makes you feel powerful and sexy. It beats wrapping a scarf around your head and looking like Granma, doesn’t it?

Curvy, sensual, pouty, toned, with a full mane flowing around your perfectly made-up face…. Isn’t this the glamorous definition of beauty the media is slowly engraving in our minds?

Muslim women are taking off the Hijab because they have a suffocating need to ‘fit in’. They want to feel young and pretty and desirable. If uncovering themselves gets them the attention or the acceptance they yearn for, then that’s their choice, but does it really? All I know, me being a psychologist, is that self-confidence doesn’t derive from how others make you feel, but rather from how you feel about yourself, regardless what the rest of the world thinks. Confidence is the main source of attractiveness. I know veiled women who walk into the room and enthrall people with their elegance, and other women in provocative clothes who arouse disgust instead of splendor. If you think about it, covering up is actually the essence of confidence. I pray women would stop blaming Hijab for their insecurities, and develop the attitudes of ‘leaders’. We all seek admiration, and you would be lying to yourself if you disagree, but the question is, will you get that love if you displease your Lord?

The Prophet () said, “If Allah loves a person, He calls Gabriel saying, ‘Allah loves so and-so; O Gabriel! Love him.’ Gabriel would love him and make an announcement amongst the inhabitants of the Heaven. ‘Allah loves so-and-so, therefore you should love him also,’ and so all the inhabitants of the Heaven would love him, and then he is granted the pleasure of the people on the earth.” [Sahih al-Bukhari 6040]


Confession: I’ve been postponing writing this article for a while, fearing I wouldn’t be able to maintain my calm in this section, where we actually ‘DISCUSS’ and ‘PROVE’ whether Hijab is an Islamic obligation or not. Apparently, this is one of the reasons why Muslim women are taking off their headscarves. They doubt it’s a Qur’anic command to start with. Not only that, but they’re going around justifying and convincing others of their new ‘findings’. I’m sorry but I can’t help being horrified and a bit nauseated by this absurdness to be perfectly honest. Even my eleven-year-old daughter was appalled by the fabrication! She said, and I quote: “Like hello! Gag me with a spoon!”

Taking off the Hijab is between a woman and her Lord, but debating the clear requirement of it is between her and the rest of us Muslims! No one can force you to do something you’re not convinced of, but spreading that doubt and shaking the ground under other steadfast women isn’t something we can take lightly. I’m pleading with all the analytical, philosophical minds out there, keep your opinion of how you ‘choose’ to understand the Qur’an to yourself. Trust me, you don’t want to take responsibility for those who listen and follow. You don’t want to take other women down with you to feel better about your decision. We all have a huge load of sins to carry; we don’t need other people’s loads too! Ask Allah to guide you instead of guiding others away from Him.

Aisha (God be pleased with her) said: “May Allah have mercy on the early immigrant women. When the verse “That they should draw their veils (head covers) over their bosoms” was revealed, they tore their thick outer garments and made veils from them.“ [Sahih (Al-Albani)- Sunan Abi Dawud 4102]


There’s a link today between the desire to get married and the decision to take off the headscarf. Women are starting to believe they’re out of the running if they’re veiled, because handsome, successful, rich Muslim men are looking for ‘hot babes’. Single women fear their lives would be doomed if they presented themselves as good, devout Muslim brides.

(Okay, I just heard someone slam the table and yell “OBJECTION”. I guess I hang out with too many lawyers LOL)

My apologies. Let me rephrase. Single women worry they’ll end up old and alone if they don’t step up and ‘flaunt’ what they’ve got. They think covering their beauty will slim down their chances of finding the ‘right’ guy. But where is the fear of attracting the wrong guy? The man who only cares about appearances and is embarrassed of his own religion? Isn’t ending up with a man like that worse than any other nightmare?

It’s not just single women; it’s the married ones too. Many husbands are making their wives’ lives miserable because they suddenly resent their veil. Instead of showering these women with love and compliments, they make them feel small and inadequate. I see beautiful veiled wives struggling every day, trying their best to look good for an outing with their husbands, hiding their tears and heartache of feeling like they’re not ‘good enough’. I’ve heard Islamic scholars advise some wives to take off their Hijab if their husband threaten them with divorce! This is as sad and shameful as it gets. The constant fear of being rejected or cast aside simply because you’re obeying God’s rules is beyond painful. Instead of taking pride in being modest and shielding their beauty like a precious gem, veiled wives are being emotionally blackmailed into taking off their Hijab to ‘save’ their marriage!

These are the battles happening in our Muslim homes, and I pray from the bottom of my heart for God to heal men’s hearts, and take the blindfolds off their eyes. Part of a man’s job is to protect his woman, make her feel loved and appreciated, and be possessive and jealous over her heart, soul and beauty. (Yes we find such men extremely charming by the way!)


“It’s just not who I am!”

This is one of the common denominator for most uncovered women today. A woman innocently wraps a scarf around her head, eager to fulfill her obligation and please Allah, only to end up feeling like she’s becoming someone she’s not. Sometimes the aggravation of losing your identity or being stereotyped into a certain sector reaches a point of explosion. Let’s face it; some non-Muslims are losing sleep over their obsession with destroying Islam. It’s all carefully planned out and the poison is spreading subtly within us. Terrorists, narrow-minded, bigots, extremists, bombers… Aren’t these the labels many of us are constantly bombarded with nowadays?

The truth is, the frustration mostly arises from the lack of passion. A lot of Muslim women wear the headscarf for all the wrong reasons. Some of them were forced into it at a young age, and grew up detesting it. Others felt the need to dress up the part, not really pondering on why and how it affects them deep inside.

Like praying and giving charity and all the other beautiful Islamic practices that purify our souls, if you don’t let yourself fall in love with the act and the concept behind it, you’ll never find peace. Yes we seek love and appreciation, but it’s not through ‘fitting in’ that we will ever get what we are looking for. We need to live up to the teachings of our own religion, because even if the ‘wrong’ has become so normal, it still doesn’t make it ‘right’.

The Messenger of Allah () said: “Islam initiated as something strange, and it would revert to its (old position) of being strange. so good tidings for the stranger.” [Sahih Muslim 145]

Some of the lucky and blessed veiled women have made their Hijab part of who they are instead of what they’re not. The dress code blends in with their lives like a beautiful ray of light. They understand that the essence of Islam is acceptance, obedience and peaceful submission to the One and Only Creator. The struggle is subdued when they remember to take pride in being Allah’s slaves and in being representatives of Islam, not only through wearing a headscarf; but through kindness, compassion, modesty and humility. It’s not that piece of cloth they wrap around their heads that makes them better people; it’s the choice to stay on the right path, even if they have to do it alone. Allah looks at the heart, not the head cover. He looks at our intentions and the purity of our faith. Allah alone is the final Judge and that’s all that matters in the end.

To all the women who took off their Hijab because they couldn’t do it anymore… I ask your forgiveness if I have offended you in any way, and I pray you find the peace you are looking for… The kind of peace that brings you closer to the Most Merciful God….

To all the men who watch their women struggle day in and day out, I hope you’ll put that extra effort and time to show them your love and support, and make them feel special … The best husband is the one who makes his woman feel like the perfect wife…

And to all of the beautiful strangers, the true icons, the confident women who hold on to their faith and beliefs, and who still find peace in wearing the Hijab… I humbly applaud your strength and I pray God fills your lives with blessings and joy…

May you always shine…

And may we all see the light…


By: @Lillymohsen (MW Contributor)

Lilly S. Mohsen is the uprising author of the “Prophets To Islam” Series For Kids. She worked as a Photographer after graduating from the American University in Cairo until her career took a huge turn when she decided to write her own books. Lilly studied Psychology and is now also a part-time therapist in addition to writing for a number of magazines, websites and blogs from all around the world. Her most sacred wish is to reflect the glory of Islam…
Lilly lives in Egypt with her son Yasseen and her daughter Magda, whom she admits are the main source of her inspiration.

For more, check out Lilly’s blog

142 thoughts on “UNCOVERED! – Why More Women Are Taking Off Their Hijab”

  1. My two younger sister’s (14-16 years younger) suddenly announced they had stopped wearing hijab. Then I heard my sister who had moved to Dubai (hoping it would be easier to be a professional and a hijabi) also stopped wearing it.

    I was heart broken. I honestly felt as though I was in mourning. I love them and appreciate how hard it must be for them to express themselves when it will be easy for people to judge them on their choice but I’m so sad that in this day and age, when we have such easy access to knowledge, scripture, inspiring scholars, it’s become so hard for us women to wear hijab.
    And I just want to say Islam isn’t just the Quran, it’s Quran and Sunnah. We have to follow the Prophet’s guidance. When the verses came down, he acted on them and showed us how to live simple, healthy lives. Yes, loads of rubbish is misinterpretations so all of us are responsible for seeking the truth.
    When I came across a sister I went on Hajj with, who no longer wore hijab, and I found myself here, and I have to say I found this article inspiring. I didn’t think it was judgemental. My sister’s said they didn’t feel confident, pretty etc but it was easier to me to understand that then to mistakenly think they no longer wanted to be Muslims.


  2. It is a woman right to choose to wear hijab but she should be aware that covering hair/head (hijab) is NOT MANDATE IN THE QURAN, please read, research and decide for yourself

    You can be sexy with or without hijab & you can be modest with or without hijab too. Not wearing hijab is not a green light to dress sexily.

    The practice of hair/head covering (hijab) is mandate both in Torah and Bible and the teaching had infiltrated through the hadith. Yet very few Jew or Christian practice hijab today.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “It’s not that piece of cloth they wrap around their heads that makes them better people; it’s the choice to stay on the right path, even if they have to do it alone. ”
    What a beautiful statement. Fantastic read, may Allah help us all on our journey to become closer to Him. Ameen.


    I have taken off my Hijab. Sexuality, the media and social conventions of how women are supposed to look are definitely subconscious or conscious factors in my decision. However the main reason I am doing this is for myself, I am 17 now and I have a group of bubbly beautiful friends. In middle school I could go out laugh with them be my loud bubbly self with my hijab and not have an absolute problem. Now I am in high school, I still have the same friends but now I am more socially aware of the standards that Muslimahs have to uphold. I started to shy away from making jokes and laughing and acting silly because I was afraid what people would think of me. I know I shouldn’t care what People think of me but who are we kidding we ALL CARE. It’s one thing caring about what people think, but when others opinions start affecting how you see yourself then there is a problem. I’m not religious I don’t pray 5 times a day and before I thought I could still call myself a decent Muslim cause of the unwavering hijab on my head that pointed towards the fact I am a good muslim.I know many people are going to read this and think I was just trying to fit in and I could talk and talk about free choice and identity but the truth is all I wanted to do was FIT IN. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. All we do our whole life is try to fit in muslim or not we try to find somewhere and someone we can fit in with and be the best version of ourselves we can be. For many people its cosmetic or genetic barriers that stop them from being happy or who they are and in my case and many other cases it’s the hijab. My demeanour may show that i don’t have alot of repect for the hijab or what it represents but in fact I believe that it is the contrary. I do believe in the hijab but many young girls start to wear it at such a young age where they do not fully understand it and because it hasn’t been chosen for them not by them. In my opinion it lingers like a form of imprisonment when you don’t want to be wearing it. So now you’ve decided to take of your headscarf but your afraid of what people will l think of you. ONE DAY: you just have to make It through one day of people seeing you without it for the first time ONE DAY, after that you will be fine. Whenever that one day comes it will not be more than a few comments of ”you look so different” ”why’d you take it off” a couple of stares or turnt heads. Whenever that day comes when you want to take it off it will be short it may feel like hell but honestly it is not that big of a deal to others. In 1 years time your barely going to remember that day but your going to remember how you feel now and that’ll be enough. I do not know if i plan on putting it back on but when i do it will be for good as it will be on my terms under my conditions as most things should be. I hope i helped anybody who is going through this.


  5. JazakAllah Khair for this totally awesome article!!!
    May Allah reward you immensely for this, Ameen.

    Wearing the hijab has become a daily struggle and the worst part is dealing with all the negative comments from Muslims themselves. May Allah make it easy for us all, Ameen.


  6. While I appreciate a different perspective on trending jssues, there are so many things wrong with this article I’m not sure where to even start. So I’ll just sum it up in one word; contradictions. This article is full of contradictions. She claims that the decision to wear hijab or not is between the woman and her Lord yet she states “The truth is, the frustration mostly arises from the lack of passion”… Who are you to address someone’s level of passion? I feel she wrote this to get a slap on the back for keeping her hijab on. Bravo … Now go practice without trying to bring others down. What’s the point of wearing it and criticizing those who don’t?


  7. I havn’t read the entire article, but I have read a lot of the comments. There seems to be a marmite effect going on.

    Two mindsets.

    But, seriously there are far more important things to worry about. I get really annoyed that people are putting soo much emphasis on a head covering when the heart, the inner soul is missed!!

    For me that is the real place with which we should start our focus. The way a lot of muslims seem to work is outside in, rather than inside out.

    There is soo much to learn and practice, examples would include: goodness to your children, neighbour, family, environment- who even thinks about the impact they are having on the environment?!!
    and so on.

    Author of the article: I have seen a lot of your responses, and I do appreciate it must be hard to see your work being criticized, but I would think it would be beneficial to see this as less as personal attacks against you and more as opportunities to reflect about what has been said.


    1. 24 ; 31 Khimer, is translated as ‘cover’.
      2 ; 219 and 5 ; 90, Khumer, is translated as ‘intoxication’.
      12 ; 36, 41, Khumer is translated as wine.
      People are loosing faith on translations


  8. No worries..Everyone will be judged alone in the day of judgment. It is your free-will to increase your hasanat or evil deeds, your account whch will be exposed on the day of justice and accordingly will lead you either to Jannah or hell-fire for the entire life.


  9. This is generally on point but it might miss car specific scenarios which warrant their own understanding. If be interested to know your view about wearing hijab at job interviews. I’ve had a few interviews with some major corporate companies as well as the smaller ones and my cv has certainly been attractive to them. As easy it may sound to argue this i find interviewers sceptical about appointing me because i wear hijab


  10. As an ex muslim who is currently in the closet, I do not get the chance to remove my hijab often. I know a few girls who wear it but do not want to. In the Islamic community where I live (and probably in most communities), there is a tremendous pressure to wear the hijab. And if a girl takes it off, the reactions range from shock, to complete disgust (or sometimes, just not caring). This is because the hijab is considered by most muslims to be an especially sacred part of the religion. For me personally, I wear it due to the fear of rejection by my family, and the judgement of the muslim community as they usually consider me to a “pious muslim”.
    I honestly hate the hijab. I have worn it for years, but looking back on when I was muslim, I realize, I never loved wearing it. It’s hard to wear it in hot summer months, it gets uncomfortable when I wear it too long, it gets in the way sometimes when I am tying my shoes. Whenever I take it off, the feeling is exquisite. It’s sad to think that most people find it so normal to just walk around with their hair out and I have to fight for it and I feel so anxious even while doing it that someone I know will see me.


    1. I must say I applaud your honesty and the way you can express your inner most feelings Mimi (even if you’re still in the closet, just admitting that is courageous)
      I won’t pretend I understand your struggle though. I just have one question that’s been on my mind for a while yet I never got the chance to ask it. Perhaps you’ll be kind enough to elaborate on the term “ex-Muslim”
      I never get it when anyone labels themselves that. So did you switch to a different religion? Or did you adopt atheism?
      I’m just really curious.
      Anyways thank you for your comment Mimi and I hope you find the comfort you’re looking for


  11. Promises to not report alleged wrongful acts to the authorities
    in exchange for benefits (except for lawful plea bargains
    by proper government authorities, etc. And of course, fighting games like Super Smash Brothers, Street Fighter, and
    Soul Caliber are perfect for a quick player versus player fix.
    There’s a small room with Sam’s Father’s Medal inside.


  12. I have only recently became a Muslim. I was initially excited to cover my hair because to me it was a declaration of my new faith and life. But I quickly noticed how non-Muslims treated me differently. It makes me sad and I wonder why I can’t be considered normal all because of my scarf. But I don’t cover myself for people, I cover myself to show respect to Allah. For that reason I will never take off my scarf.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. BTW – the Hijab is NOT Islamic, its PRE-ISLAMIC Arab-Tribal Culture Attire (that was spread to other Muslim countries)… so too is the Niqab and Burka… Thats what is so sad, muslims DO NOT read the Quran (meaning the English Translated/Whatever Language Translated version)… they blindly follow what the Mullah/Imam or Holy Guy states. Islam and the Quran states MODESTY and states to cover the private parts “breasts/mid-rift and naval area” – (as all religions do)….. It does NOT specify what and how to where your attire. Just do a simple google Hijab not Islamic.


      Liked by 1 person

  13. There is one important issue that I am sure will make a huge difference, the discrimination in the work force while hiring in choosing the tag of “non Veiled ONLY”, this makes a huge issue. Plus for us here in Egypt men are so mean they dont care less how far you would go for them cz simply by time after you are married and veiled you are just the cow at home, so if you dont dress to impress you are simply threatened all the time to be kicked out of his heaven, i know this is not a good reason to hell with men like so but think about it, how far would you go to keep your house pulled together and raise your child with a father a normal family. Adding to all of this passing through a divorce also is such a devastating experience, this is where i took off my veil, despite i became close to Allah on other terms but the feeling of insecurity was unbelievable!


    1. I have a friend who went through the same thing. I totally understand there can be many more reasons than the ones stated in the article, and only God knows what’s in our hearts…
      May He grant you security, peace and love… God bless your family


  14. Ramadan Mubarak to all those observing Ramadan. I wonder a little about the modern phenomenon of the hijab and the social influence / impact of ‘religious’ teaching on conventions about women’s dress. When I lived in Indonesia as a child (40 years ago) women would cover their head to attend the mosque but otherwise no head covering was worn, this was similar to Christian churches at that time.
    Many people were too poor to have such an item of clothing as a special head dress. Now of course the hijab is highly prevalent in Indonesia and in many schools and even some Universities a requirement to wear the hijab is imposed on young women as a uniform. I have also seen the ‘hijab’ taken to a high art form – say In London and the Middle East – almost as a status symbol of the level of wealth of the wearer. In all societies young women are a focus of societal control – whether by a dress code or a religious requirement or other restriction or through the impact of advertising, magazines and the concept of body image which can be very detrimental. Perhaps we should ask (as Mary Wollstonecraft did of her own society in the 18th century) not what young women are wearing but what is their access to education, to knowledge and to self-determination? How do we ensure the potential in young women is felt in society, that their ideas and aspirations are heard?
    There are many women who I see with internal as well as outward beauty, confidence and self-awareness who wear a hijab and many who have these virtues and do not wear the hijab. All have something to offer society and this must be our most important consideration.


  15. Are you a woman who has taken off her headscarf? Have you interviewed and surveyed all/some/any of them? How did you come to the conclusion that these are the reasons why women choose to take off their headscarves? I find this subjective and based on your own personal philosophy and school of faith. The “doubt” bit is quite laughable to be honest, not even worth debating or discussing. Can i have your copy of the book of right and wrong and the ultimate truth, please?


    1. Thank you for your comment Hania.
      Yes, as I said before, I did interview over 20 women who took off their hijab and researched numerous articles on the matter.
      Of course I would be happy to provide a copy of my ultimate book of right and wrong. It’s called “The Holy Quran”
      Please check from it chapter 24, verse 31
      Anyways, I’m glad my article gave you a laugh. Wishing you all kinds of joy and laughter.
      Ramadan Kareem

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Well at least you got a good laugh Hania lol
      That’s good right? ; )
      It would be my pleasure to send you a copy of my book of right and wrong. It’s called the “Holy Quran”…
      Address please?


  16. I’m a veiled woman who doesn’t only cover her hair but also her face in front of men, yet I found the article extremely judgmental and narrow-minded. I was actually disgusted when I read the part “Fear” which in particular sounds really mean-spirited !

    I remember once reading a post in an ex-muslims forum about why women (especially western women) chooses Islam and wearing hijab, and several ex-converts were citing the reason for wearing hijab as : Insecurity and for the hope of finding a husband in a community that values family life. In their opinion, women wears hijab because they are so insecure by their looks they chooses to “hide”. I remember being furious by those who made a condescending generalization about hijabi women, and here I find this article making similar generalizations about non-hijabi !! So very sad and disappointing.

    I think this article is a good example of the sorry state of Muslims today. Where even educated bright muslims attack each other and waste their valuable time discussing minor things like the hair of women rather than trying to educate muslims to live and let live and that appearance of women (or men) is not an indicator of how good humans they are.

    P.S. For the author, I noticed that you complained several time in the comments that you were attacked. I read all the comments and except of a couple I didn’t find any personal attack . People are just expressing their opinions and frustration at the narrow-mindness and shallowness of the article.

    P.S.S. I read part 2, and sorry to say it isn’t any better. Still there is the same self-righteousness and the talk about “sinners” . Again, so sad and disappointing !


  17. بالنسبة للناس اللي بيحاولوا يوازوا بين دعوات حرية المرأه، و حقها في إختيار لبسها، بما في ذلك لبس و قلع الحجاب، و باننا بنجبر النساء على خلع الحجاب او التعري أو حتى الإبتعاد عن الدين، أحب اقولكم العبوا غيرها. و بالنسبة للناس اللي بتهاجم كل واحد أو واحدة بيقولوا إن الحجاب مش فرض، و بيتعاملوا على إن اي حد بيقول الكلام ده، كأنه بيكلمهم هما شخصياً وبيقلوهم يقلعوا الحجاب. أحب اقولكم إن انتم مش محور الكون. كل واحد حر يقول اللي هو عاوز يقوله. بس هما أصلهم عارفين كويس إن لو الستات عرفت و فهمت إنه مش فرض ديني هيقلعوه. ده بلاضافة طبعاً، و ديه اكتشفتها مؤخراً، أن محجبات كتير مش عاوزين يبقوا هما بس اللي محجبات، لأنهن عارفين إن قلع الحجاب موجة و هتذداد قوتها. اللي بيقول إن الحجاب مش فرض ديني، بيقدم أدلته من القرأن و السنة الصحيحة. و اللي يحب يقول غير كدة، يتفضل و يعمل المثل. لكن بقى اللي يخاف من العلم و من المعلومة، هو الشخص اللي عارف إن كلامه كذب و ملوش سند. الجديد بقى انهم دلوقتي بيحاولوا يفلسفوا الحجاب، و مش عاوزين يتكلموا خالص في الحجج الدينية لفرضية الحجاب. ليه؟ لأن هما عارفين إن مفيش حجج الدينية بتوجب فرضية الحجاب أو إن الموضوع فيه كلام، و كلام كتير، و من زمان. فبالتالي كل واحد يقدم أدلته، و الناس يتساب ليها الحق انها تعقل.


    I love how you say that you will not judge and that people should not have the right to judge others and then proceed to pass multiple judgements on those who choose to take off the veil. Having graduated from AUC with a psychology degree does not make you a psychologist. You should know that. For those who are interested in seeing religious proof of the fact that “hijab/veiling” is not a mandatory thing in the Islamic religion, please visit my Facebook page:


    I have all information posted there, with references and sources, which more than this writer managed to go here.

    Cheers to all!



  18. Salam Alaikum Sister,
    I don’t understand all the insulting comments but you have responded in the utmost patience, and kindness trying to see their opinion while sticking to your premises & evidences. I really think you hit all of the issues spot on. Wearing the Hijab is in the Qur-an and Although many people try to justify why they don’t. I didn’t wear the hijab until a year ago after my mom reverted to Islam because she feared for my safety, but I finally said that I can’t disobey Allah especially since it is a commandment. I get bad stares, but mostly people are curious and I have never felt more respect without a men staring at me (in a negative way) or trying to hit on me , or smile at me it’s easier for me to lower my gaze and be in a state of Ibadah to Allah and whether these men are Muslim or Non-Muslim my personal experience is a lot of respect when I was first getting usto the hijab I wore it in my Arabic class then I didn’t in my other classes and I could definitely see the difference in amount of respect. My other classes I had to tell certain people why I don’t do this or that. But I finally toward that end of the class wore the Hijab and it’s an immediate show that I am trying to please my Creator and not People. Just my Personal experience and I can definitely relate I pray more woman pave the way to making the Hijab the norm! Ameen. JazzakAllah kheir❤️

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  19. Your surroundings discussing the easiest ways to reach the moon and different planets, non stop research and new discovery, new technology and advancement and yet our beloved Muslim society still discussing the same topic they have been debating for centuries!
    Allah stated first thing you do is ” research and be knowledgable ”
    Look at you guys!!! And look around you name me a Muslim world without a fight and massacre just ” he is way to good than the other ”
    Whatever the islam interprets perfectly but accept it very judgemently, meanly and wrongly!

    I just wish before I die I could witness Muslimhood actually done some success not fight not judge not falling apart!!!


  20. A very important thing you forgot to mention is women who don’t practice other aspects of religion like prayer etc take the hijab off feeling they are being hypocrites, representing themselves to be pious on the outside but being hollow from inside. I think that’s the biggest tool shaitan uses against us

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  21. A great article misunderstood by many unfortunately. Barakallahu fiki sister because actually it is a good nasiha for me too, I am a hijabi but the days that I don’t apply full hijab as it has been prescribed, it is for the reasons you have stated, and it is due to weakness in my Iman. And to the sisters who complain about being harassed when wearing hijab, insha Allah on the day of Judgement you will get compensation for the wrong that has been done to you, and reward for being steadfast in your deen. There are perverts in every community unfortunately. May Allah reward you sister Lily for this reminder and may He guide us all.

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  22. highly-generalised article! No mention of women who wear a headscarf but they forget to cover their chest and buttocks, and expect men not to see their hair when everything else is visible. So many such hypocritical hijabis around. I guess it’s better to not wear hijab at all than wearing a piece of cloth around your head while leaving your assets inappropriately covered and yet calling yourself a hijabi.
    Moreover, hijab is not a noun. It’s not a mere piece of cloth which you wrap around your head. Hijab is a verb. It’s an action. It should be in your body language, it should be in your eyes, it should be reflected from the way you talk.

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    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment Nima
      This article was only about women who chose to take off the hijab. I agree that many who wear it do so inappropriately but that’s a totally different aspect and with the word limit editors give, it would be difficult to fit in everything that needs to be said 🙂
      May Allah guide us all and forgive my shortcomings.


  23. “Insecurity,” “Doubt,” “Frustration,” and “Fear” are all negative reasons to uncover. So according to your article, there are absolutely no positive reasons, only negative ones? Perhaps it depends on who you choose to surround yourself with, but I can assure you that there are PLENTY of women who are confident and happy with their decision, and not frustrated, afraid, and doubtful like you suggest. Many intelligent women are capable of making intelligent decisions based on good, well-thought reasons, and not as a result of fear and frustration.

    I am sure you are a very nice person, but your article is mean-spirited and derogatory against the women who are courageous enough to choose the life they want. I hope you can take this opportunity to reflect on your opinions about women who do not choose the same lifestyle as you.


    1. Thank you for the advice Star. I will surely take it into consideration
      And please feel free to share the positive reasons of taking off the Hijab. That’s what the comments section is for, to express different opinions.
      Thanks again and have a great day

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  24. Away from the specifics of Hijab and non-Hijab
    It is true we are all different, upbringing, societies, etc…
    Only that we are all meeting the same Judge (Allah) on that dreadful day.

    You not going to Jannat, because you’re Hijabi, nor to hell because you’re non-Hijabi but because and only because of the Judge’s mercy or it’s absence. Note that his mercy will be selective on that day prioritizing those who practiced his commands.

    Now, whether your being Hijabi or non-Hijabi merits Allah’s mercy on a day like; “The Day you shall see it, every nursing mother will forget her nursling, and every pregnant one will drop her load, and you shall see mankind as in a drunken state, yet they will not be drunken, but severe will be the Torment of Allah.” http://quran.com/22/2 is something i and you should pray for.

    Allah won’t be asking @Lillymohsen whether her article has evidence of her views, or represents all women world-over don’t do Hijab, but will be asking YOU why you didn’t practice not just Hijab, escalate this even away from Hijab.

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    1. are u stupid Arab are the worst people ok in america we dont have the athan for every pray but u know u Arab are surrounded by Islam and chose to not wear a hijab chose to smoke chose to wear tight close and u people make us Muslim look bad so dont put it all on american it is all around the world u and u Arab should really take a good look at ur self


  25. Umm so I don’t cover myself because I want to show off my curves? To get attention? To feel ‘free’?

    Thanks for telling me what a sinner I am. 🙂
    I dont understand why we’re never going past the ‘hijabi-non hijabi’ debate. Those who cover their heads judge those who don’t. Well…. Everyone’s a patron of Islam these days..


    1. We are all sinners Zainab, both hijabis and non-hijabis
      All humans will continue to sin till judgment day
      And even though many saw this article as judgmental, God knows it wasn’t my intention for its not our place to judge. That’s why I wrote a sequel ( scroll down to find links below)

      Please accept my apologies if my words have offended you personally.

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      1. Ur article was not judgemental in the least dear. It was sincere advice and I think it will benefit many inshaAllah. You are not calling to your own views but rather the path of Allah taala so if anyone has a problem then it is not with you but rather their deen.
        Let’s all lower our noises and accept that if someone invites us to something good then we hope to embrace it.

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    2. Assalam-o-alaekum sister, in no way this article is offensive to the non-hijabis. Allah SWT knows everyone’s struggles and they’re gonna get the reward equally. But the first step towards Allah is to atleast accept that a particular deed is a sin, else you won’t ever get out of it!

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      1. I am surprised that you are saying its a sin if we don’t cover.
        Since when individuals are given the authority to declare what is a sin and what is not.

        Your article is full of contradictions. If you are saying that you are not judging then why are you writing this article in the first place.

        Please keep your views to your decisions. Write articles that address how you feel when wearing hijab. If you have not experienced something then it’s best to be quiet and respect the approach people have taken it.


        1. I’m super flattered that people think I’m not writing this out of experience or I haven’t went through all these struggles myself.
          Thank you for the vote of confidence, and thank you for your comment
          May we always see the truth and never be quiet when it comes to it


  26. Well said, ma shaa Allah! Jazakom Allah khairan. And to those who are trying to put things off their right places, Allah will judge us and we’ll be paid in full for every single action. So if you do the right things you’ll be getting good deeds and vice versa. So being veiled and smoke doesn’t mean I’m not getting rewarded for being veiled and being religious but not veiled doesn’t mean that I’m not getting punished for not being veiled. We will be judged by Allah. {فمن يعمل مثقال ذرةٍ خيراً يره. ومن يعمل مثقال ذرةٍ شراً يره}

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  27. Dear author,
    Compliments on a well written article. I fully agree with you witnessing this phenomenon in our middle eastern community, however after reading a random amount of responses to your post and realising the amount of research you have done. I beleive that these reasons may be relevant in our society and might apply to other cultures as well. However due to cultural differences i think that there are more reasons as the ladies who have responded with disagreeing comments and hence your research is applicable to a certain layer of society with a certain cultural background but not wholesome to all cultures.
    At the end, thank you for a wonderfully pur article.

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    1. i find it interesting that the “that’s not my case” responders never really give THEIR reasons.

      Why? because sister Lillymohsen hit the proverbial “nail on the head,” and rubbed them the wrong way. Rather than add to the list and be part of the conversation, they got defensive and stooped to personal attacks. Until these haters actually contribute something to the conversation, i will continue to believe it.

      Denial is a helluva drug.

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  28. To my understanding help me oh Allah…
    i think interpretations dnt matter in this however much they may seem to be. All we have to read is th Ayat abt hijab and how it should be worn. Its very clear than may be your confusing interpretations some of you are running after. Whether u put if off or on. whether u wear it anyway u want… wel thats between you and your creator.
    all scholars mu-alims and mu-alimahs are there to guide us and always remind us of how we are supposed to do certain stuff though sometimes they also tend to be driven by personal interests in th matter.
    I suggest that where u find problems understanding or doubting what your told…. always visit the Quran . If u need more light about the matter youvisit the Hadithss of our prophet P.B.U.H.it should however be in every1’s mind that everyone is to be accountedfor all his or her actions.
    always trust sources you get deen reminds from.
    And seeking islamic knowledge is a must (wajib) to every muslim or muslimah.
    thaks sis lily… keep going forwad


  29. as salaam alaikum sis, and thanks for expressing yourself. you said what you meant, and meant what you said…it’s truly a shame that ANY discussion on hijab gets folks so defensive, but that is what happens. everyone wants their own personal scroll from God so they can OK what he says…

    wearing the khimar over the breast plate is clearly in the Quran, as well as the ayahs on wearing the jahliyibbiyah..BUT, both are prefaced with “Tell the MUMINAH, not the Muslimah. I’ve come to believe then, that it does not apply to all women; only those who wish to hear and obey God via Prophet Muhammad; those who wish to be recognized for their religion and submit to both the Quran and the sunnah as demonstrated by our holy mothers and sisters.

    whatever other ‘reasons’ folks have for removing their khimars are theirs, and only God can judge them ultimately. Although, like you, it hurts my heart to see it happen.

    In the meantime, hijabis: stand strong and don’t be cowed or seduced into removing our “style” of dress.
    It’s not really about this world sisters, is it?

    the other thing is that we’re witnessing the hadith of the last days coming true, wherein the number of Muslims are great, but their faith is weak; where Muslims will like, eat, do, dress, think and be like non-Muslims; when Muslim women will be clothed yet still naked.
    I don’t think it can be helped, and it will get much worse as time goes on.

    Remember, God is watching and any effort to counter these efforts are worth it. Pray for all our sisters and for the gift of steadfastness in this area. Hang in there!

    God help us all.

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  30. This piece is full of generalizations and assumptions about how women think/function. Each of us is unique and different. This definitely does not represent me. Feel free to write this article if you claim to represent yourself, but please don’t write it in the name of other women.


    1. Each of us is unique and different. I couldn’t agree more
      And while the women I interviewed for this article feel the reasons represent them, it certainly doesn’t mean it represents every single uncovered Muslim woman on the planet lol.
      Thank you for your comment. May Allah guide us all


  31. I was thinking about this lately, I really think that the weakness in Iman that is spreading among us is the reason, yet Hijab is one of the obvious things to note as an indicator, many of us started to leave things behind under so many called names starting of our relationship with our parents and taking care of them which gets hindered by our claims by trying to coop with the difficulties of life and running after “our life needs”. Another example would be the renunciation we give in our work under the claim of practicality either by accepting bribes or accepting too cheat in the service we provide, and many other examples. We lost our focus about the essence of Iman and it is about believing in Allah and His Messenger PBUH and the message , and is that ” { قل إن صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العالمين لا شريك له وبذلك أمرت وأنا أول المسلمين } . ” {Say, “Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah , Lord of the worlds}Al-Anam.

    If Iman falls, it won’t be easy to accept the things that we are obliged to do because you actually do not know in your heart why or for whom are you doing this.

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    1. I totally agree with you brother!! This is one of the many aspects that needs our attention but it’s very difficult to have a discussions on these topics w/o shaytan having people go into defense mode. Bravo Lilly!! One purpose of this article is to make us think deep as to why or why not we’re doing certain things, whether it’s hijab or something else. Sisters, if it made you think about why you made a certain choice then this was definitely beneficial.

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  32. “Ignore the boos. They usually come from the cheap seats.”
    I’m memorize how you responded to many of these comments, you obviously follow our beloved prophet’s ways Mashallah.
    Criticism and negativity from other people is like a wall. And if you focus on it, then you’ll run right into it. You’ll get blocked by negative emotions, anger, and self-doubt. Your mind will go where your attention is focused. Criticism and negativity don’t prevent you from reaching the finish line, but they can certainly distract you from it. Lulls don’t let people’s criticism be that wall from seeing the road. Focus on the path ahead, because you have a fabulous talent and gift in writing Mashallah, you have changed thousands of lives positively, Inshallah you’ll remain on this road and change millions.

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    1. Amen to the beautiful Du’aa of my angel, my rock and my soul mate… The one who keeps me going after Allah’s help and blessings…
      Thank you for always being there for me… No words or gestures or actions would ever suffice to show my gratitude to you Julia….

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  33. Sister Lilly you have done a beautiful job in writing this article!! Definitely a much needed discussion. I admire you for your bravery. You will be rewarded for every woman who reads this, thinks with an open mind and comes closer to Allah.
    I hope all these nasty comments don’t affect you in a bad way. Please ignore them. You wrote a general article with few possibilities of the reason women might be removing hijabs and you did not point any fingers towards any one. Once again, please ignore the nasty comments.
    I couldn’t find a single one of these women with nasty comments who gave just ONE reason why they don’t cover or stopped covering. ‘Oh I feel good and confident since I stopped covering’ is not enough. Give us a reason if you feel so against this article!! We might have something to learn from it that way. Stop the bashing!!

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  34. I take great pride in wearing hijab and it is an even bigger struggle living in Texas given all the recent attacks against Muslims in this country. However, I am a little uneasy of how judgemental and narrowly focused this argument is. As an AUC alumni I can see where you get these sweeping generalizations of young women just wanting to find a husband and how we all want to wear heels and make up and flaunt our beauty (bc that is large number of AUCians) … However a lot of us want to be valued for much more than our looks. Furthermore it’s not our place to go around condemning other women for their struggles and choices, we each have our own and we are accountable only to Allah. I know plenty of non-hijabis who are extremely modest and pious and I know many hijabis is who wear tight clothes, make up and heels with a scarf on their head.

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  35. “I’m not here to judge or criticize”
    and yet your article is based on the judgement of other women’s actions. Seeing their choice to uncover their hair as an instance of “giving up” or sinning.

    “Veiled women make the conscious decision to cover their beauty”
    Incorrect. Many veiled women around the world put on make-up and wear tight clothes. ‘That’s not the right way to wear hijab’ you’ll most probably say. I’ll respond by telling you that since there is no clear human authority on ‘the word of god’, then we can all pipe down and respect each others’ interpretations of religion.

    “It’s a feminine instinct to take pride in our looks”
    Incorrect. In many societies, women are pressured to exhibit superficial/physical beauty rather than intellectuality. This speaks more of the roles that societies construct for women (e.g. trophy wives, sex symbols) and how SOME women wish to be seen within society rather than an innate “feminine instinct”. The obsession of SOME women with “anti-aging creams, designer outfits and high-heeled shoes” goes back to the same thing. As long as we continue judging women based on their physical proportions and exterior dimensions, rewarding those that conform to a certain (almost impossible) societal standard, many women will be pressured to look/act in a certain way. I personally know women who have been viciously attacked for their refusal to abide by the afore-mentioned societal expectations.

    “Muslim women are taking off the Hijab because … they want to feel young and pretty and desirable.”
    Incorrect. SOME Muslim women are taking off their headscarves because they think they look more attractive without it. The majority of women I know took it off because they either felt that it wasn’t serving the function it was intended to serve or they were no longer convinced it was a religious requirement.
    Your claim here reminds me of the one made by many men to justify their harassment of women on the street. They make the erroneous assumption that women dress how they dress and wear make-up to attract male attention, which is not necessarily true.

    “I’m pleading with all the analytical, philosophical minds out there, keep your opinion of how you ‘choose’ to understand the Qur’an to yourself.”
    And yet you write a whole article in support of your Qur’anic views. What I think you meant to say was: ‘I’m pleading with all the analytical, philosophical minds out there not to spread interpretations of the Qur’an than contradict my own interpretation, because I am too narrow-minded and bigoted to be comfortable with the idea of varying understandings of religion’

    “Single women worry they’ll end up old and alone if they don’t step up and ‘flaunt’ what they’ve got. They think covering their beauty will slim down their chances of finding the ‘right’ guy.”
    Again, you’re making these ridiculous generalizations about scores of women. If your life happens to revolve around the desires of men or the need to find a suitable mate, it doesn’t mean that the same is true for everyone else with a vagina.

    I am going to avoid reading the rest of this essay, but I’m hoping you got a general idea of how hypocritical and self-righteous this all sounds. It is this exact manner of thinking that continues to drive many people away from religion day after day.

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    1. I must agree that any manner of aggression or unnecessary insults does in fact drive people away.
      Thank you for taking the time to read half an article by a woman you deem as hmmmm lets see lol:
      Hypocritical, judgmental, narrow-minded, condones sexual harassment, ridiculous, self righteous, and whose life revolves around finding a suitable man.

      If all these characteristics of me are true, I pray God makes me see the light and help me use the general ideas you gave me to become a better person inshAllah


      1. “a woman you deem as…[condoning] sexual harassment”
        never said that. Instead I said “Your claim here reminds me of the one made by many men to justify their harassment of women on the street”. Whether or not you actually condone sexual harassment is something that maybe only you are aware of.

        “a woman [whose life] you deem …revolves around finding a suitable man”
        Again, you are misreporting. I wrote “IF your life happens to revolve around the desires of men or the need to find a suitable mate…” (emphasis added).

        “a woman you deem as…Hypocritical…self-righteous”
        Slightly inaccurate. I wrote “how hypocritical and self-righteous this all sounds”, not “how hypocritical and self-righteous you are”.

        What I did call you was “narrow-minded” and this is based on the ideas you’ve expressed in this article.

        I can assume that these distortions to my comments were accidental, but why you’d take seriously -what you originally thought were- attacks on your character from a complete stranger is something that I can’t explain.

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      2. O! I forgot “a woman you deem as … ridiculous”

        Another ‘misconception’. I wrote : “you’re making these ridiculous generalizations about scores of women”.
        If you’ve actually managed to understand all of what I’ve written as personal attacks, then you’ve completely missed the point of my comment.

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    2. THANK YOU for this. How dare we interpret the Qur’an with anything but a literalist mindset and considering the hadiths basically as holy as the Qur’an itself?? And yet the hadiths were written by men, and the Qur’an by God. Why are we even considering the hadiths here?

      The Qur’an, as you may notice, specifies nothing to be covered but the bosom and private areas; modesty in general is required, but a scarf is NOT. I wear it — I like to wear it, and I actually think the scarves look prettier than my own hair — but that doesn’t make it a requirement from Allah. I will stand by God’s word first.


    3. The article wasn’t criticising or judging–just pointing out some possible reasons as to why women are taking off their hijabs. Hijab is a COMMAND from Allah swt so YES, not wearing hijab IS a sin. We are not the ones to tally up people’s sins or deem how religious they are otherwise, but YES, not wearing hijab is a sin just like not fasting in Ramadan or not praying on a daily basis, 5 times a day and no less.

      Respect each other’s interpretations of religion? No authority on the word of God? We have scholars for a reason, people who have dedicated their lives to interpretating the quran and hadith in their correct contexts. NO Muslim authority would tell you that taking off hijab or not wearing hijab is following the sunnah. We’re not judging, just stating an observation. If there’s something wrong wih that, then I guess we shouldn’t even begin to mention the reasons why Muslims may decide not to pray 5 times a day or fast in Ramadan or give zakat or why men should be going to jumuah.

      You can’t say most women don’t care about how they look. We should all care about how we look, how presentable we are, etc. We like to look professional at times and come on, everyone DOES like looking pretty sometimes. It’s okay to want to look nice. Should we say we never like looking nice and most women out there don’t care whatsoever about looking pretty? Even men care about looking nice. Every woman on this planet, I’m SURE, would not mind being the prettiest girl in the room. I know looks are not everything, I AGREE, but to say that they don’t matter at all to women? It’s simply incorrect.

      Even if the majority of these women who took off their hijabs were doing so because they felt it wasn’t serving the ‘function’ it was intended for or were no longer convinced it was a religious requirement, these are both just more reasons on the list as to why Muslim women are taking off their hijabs. Are those justifiable? Mostly no, but nonetheless they are reasons, like you’ve stated, as to why women are taking off their hijabs.

      NO, this is not HER understanding of religion, this is the MAJORITY of, if not ALL, scholars’ opinions on hijab. Hijab is not up for debate. What’s up for debate is hijab vs niqab, but that’s a whole other realm. Hijab is clearly stated in the quran and then backed by hadith and the context in which the command for hijab was revealed.

      You say ‘If your life happens to revolve around the desires of men or the need to find a suitable mate, it doesn’t mean that the same is true…” Your whole reply was filled with the suggestion that the author is trying to judge women who take off hijab but instead you are doing that too. There ARE MANY women who DO take off their hijabs because they want to find a suitable spouse. We are human–is it wrong to worry sometimes about dying alone? About never finding a spouse? YOU may think it’s ridiculous, but YOU are judging the women out there who think that fulfilling a great sunnah is a really big deal to them. Actually, you are judging the women out there who think being beautiful is a feminine characteristic or really believe being beautiful sometimes is important. Again, I agree that being beautiful is not the most important thing but to some women it’s really hard to get over that and we can’t ‘judge’ them for that struggle. And yes, even as not being the most important thing, every girl every culture likes to look pretty. Yes, I’m not saying we don’t acknowledge what they can do intellectually, but looks DO matter.THEY DO.

      No, this kind of thinking does NOT drive people away from Islam. Rather, maybe it could serve as a comfort to those who are struggling with hijab and are looking for answers as to why MAYBE taking off hijab is a step down from where they want to be as a Muslim.

      I pray that Allah swt guides both of us and helps us to follow and adhere to the sunnah as best as we can. Amiin.

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      1. This is an excellent response. I struggle wearing a hijab because by nature I am extremely glamorous and feminine women who loves nothing more than looking like a lady. being brought by a glamorous mother and in England where fashion is revealing by Muslim standards does not help. I am confident but I feel less confident without my heels and extravagant dress. I despise wearing the hijab and its was a challenge to do so in my late 20s after watching the vast majority of Muslim family and friends where modest clothing without a heard covering. I have both an English mind and an Islamic mind, it is hard to reconcile these conflicting views. my educated mindset does not understand why people are judged on clothing whether they are Sikhs, Muslims, Gothics, Nuns or Buddhas. I am a good Muslim girl who is a virgin at the age of 31, yet most people will presume otherwise due to my somewhat sexy dress sense. I have no issue with the hijab but I have an issue with judging people on something as irrelevant as dress. There are bigger problems to hand that what a women wears on her head. The arguments that everyone use to wear a head piece in the past is invalid. Once upon a time women use to wear elaborate hats, wigs and extravagant Victorian dress, to wear such items of clothing in modern times would be seen as odd, outdated and attention grabbing. Wearing a head scarf in a predominantly non Muslim culture such as London and other parts of the UK causes excessive attention, which defies the point. Headpieces in the past were worn because hair is difficult, expensive and hard to manage. they were also worn for style and modesty but mainly for the former reasons mentioned. Islam is a wonderful religion but too much cultural emphasize and rules regarding women’s dress. It is in a women’s nature to be attractive and to dress up, taking away such an integral part of her being is not right. Most women would not choose to cover their hair. It is uncomfortable and impractical and men would not prefer to work around the streets of Europe in such clothing …. please be honest. As pointed out by the comment above Muslims sin in many ways, not fasting, drinking, fornication, not praying…why preach that a women is damned eternally for not covering a non sexual element of the body. Yes hair is attractive and alluring but it is not sexual. By all means you can encourage sisters to wear a hijab… but judging those who don’t is petty, unfair and pretty laughable in my opinion.


  36. Reblogged this on Revert Nations and commented:
    This needed to be said and well said it was. I am glad you have the strength to speak out, about the threat of manufactured beauty weakening the image of actual beauty. I want to as well but from a mans point of view women may just feel as though I don’t know what I am talking about. When I came to Islam I started looking at women with head scarfs as the most beautiful. Those with their hair out to me are naked. Masha’Allah

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  37. Regardless of the reason behind your need to analyze why some women choose to remove their headscarf in the first place, which is per se judgmental and shows a double standard- as I doubt you would be pleased to read an article discussing and dismissing women’s motives to wear the hijab- I will focus here on your ‘Doubt’ paragraph. As you should know as a devout Muslim there are plenty of interpretations of Quraan-ic verses, including the one where the hijab – in the interpretation you chose to adhere to- is presented as a ‘fard’. If you are aware of the versatility of the Arabic language, you’d know that the word ‘khumurihinn’ could mean various things and every person is entitled to their own understanding and to the right to express this understanding. So I would encourage you to start following your own preaching and not condemn people with different perspectives as wrong and misguiding. Religion is after all an institution that has seen massive alterations over the course of history -if you check, hijab started spreading only in the 70s- and religion is inherently about finding peace with yourself and others and about community. What I wish to say is, creating a hegemony of thought and disparities in a community based on not belonging to the majority’s way of thinking is the root of the problems the Arab world is going through now, if we as individuals start being more accepting of differences, maybe we still have a chance.

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  38. Wow Masha’Allah sister … your words just touched my heart… all what you said is the real and cruel truth… why muslim women started to take off their veil it’s actually a big question and a big problem.. we as muslim should lead the others to the right path which is Islam not to follow the wrongdoers… It’s so sad really that more and more muslims forget their religion… their path and their motivation in this world which is Jannah. When I converted to Islam I took all the package and all what contained this mean to follow Allah’s orders and words… and Prophet Muhammad Sunnah .After I got married I found my soulmate and I’ll always thank Allah for this precious blessing …my husband is my support and everything I want…Alhamdulillah. If there exists men who forgot how to treat their wives , how to behave or how to make them feel beautiful and special it means their forgot their mothers too… because a woman gave them birth and our Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wassalam said : ” the best of you is the one who treat their wives the best” , and many others hadith’s about women about His respect for women… and even the status of the mother in Islam ” The heaven lies under the feet of the mother” .. nothing in this world is more beautiful and true like Islam… and if the men would give to women all their rights.. there will be no women on earth who wouldn’t wish to be muslim. May Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala guide us all on the right path and to open our heart to see that there is nothing much beautiful than our relation with Him and nothing more important than pleasing Him. And may all of us meet in Jannah one day Inshaa’Allah !!!!!

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    1. Amen Lulu
      Thank you for your beautiful du’aa and please send our warmest regards to your husband. May Allah bless your lives with endless love, understanding and true faith always and forever.


  39. @lillymohsen

    Excellent depiction, I myself have been wanting to write something over it. I find the reasons given in your writeup quite true to be the most common reasons for shedding the hijab. Please dont worry about angry hijab shedders, I do not mean any disrespect to any, but the way some of them have been aiming their spears at you , shows a lot about their unsettled level of emaan..(hehe sorry but its so evident, if you are indeed strong enough to feel so confident in willfully disobeying Allaah swt ,over a piece of cloth, its a little contradictory showing all the reaction here. by the hijabi shedders ).

    The fundamental flaw of the angry hijabi shedders seems to be the reason they start doing it; For MEN! Hence, when they dont see a change in men’s odd reactions towards them, they start blaiming the hijab. Huh? Men have been commanded to lower their gaze by Allaah, and women have been commanded to take hijab, so that they draw closer to Allaah. Attaching the disobedience to a sudden ‘Ego boost’ and naming it confidence is lame and untrue. Confidence means being comfortable in the decree of Allaah swt.

    I started wearing hijab and more men teased me, Alhamdulilah I continued because, the One for whom you start the hijab is BIGGER Than all the satanic discouraging whispers around you, is bigger than a billion muslim males who have a staring/stalking problem, Deserves to be submitted to willfully, is the best to His creations, Loves his creations more than anyone Else! We do Hijab for Allaah, not MEN!

    The struggle of hijab is Real with many, and it is tied with low levels of eman, or with reference to looking pretty/feeling confident. But it CAN be overcome with sincere dua and protection azkars from the accursed shaitan. In a non-muslim country, there is more struggle for it, indeed. But, Fortunately there are solutions for both these problems. One can move to a muslim majority land, and pray for things to be more easier for them to follow in muslim countries.

    One can work on self confidence by incorporating more good deeds in one’s life. If shedding hijab gives you more confidence, does that mean that shedding more clothes can give bigger confidence? what is that confidence really, are we careful enough to understand that a boost in pride can be our shaitan congrajulating our disobedience, instead of Pure original confidence which comes from emaan only?

    I know so many sisters who’ve migrated from CAnada, France, US, Australia to 3rd world muslim countries, and YET subhanAllaah these Revert sisters’ strength in their Faith is awe inspiring and unsurmountable by many of born muslims.. They not only cover fully, they love living their lives freely according to Islam, despite the mass projected horrors of these places on the media, and even with lesser developed surroundings, BRAVE is the name of this emaan which shines through the veils.

    However, those who are shedding it, are doing it for people, comments, negativity surrounding them and perhaps to be approved by a non so practising audience = that is all equal to low self esteem.

    May ALlaah protect all sisters and give them the courage to stand firm in guidance, including myself. I dont mean to be harsh, I just want to remind women that disobedience to the creator can NEver be due to confidence; its only due to vain pride, or extremely low self esteem..

    As Omar ibn al khattab (R.A) said once, that Allaah has honored us through Islam, and we shall be extremely dishonored by leaving it..Whoever prefers the life of this world to the next, chooses destruction for himself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You have a talent in expressing your views MashAllah. I humbly encourage you to pursue that talent and write.
      And thank you for caring about my feelings. I learnt long ago to not absorb praise nor criticism. I understand people are different and in the end we are all one unity… And we need to be understanding, forgiving and tolerant of the reasons behind our seemingly hurtful actions.
      May Allah make us a stronger ummah and may He guide us all towards His path.

      Liked by 1 person

  40. Salam.
    the problem with the veil is that is seen/noticed by others, unlike the rest of sins that other muslims do (including veiled women). We are as much muslim as the rest, and guess what: we have the right to keep our belief to ourselves to avoid danger. Alhamdulillah.
    So has shaytan whispered louder to unveiled women? I dont think so. We all are sinners, alhamdulillah.
    Do you follow the five pillars of Islam? So do I. Do you follow the sunnah? Sodo I. Do u cover yourself? So do I. I don’t wear abaya or an iconic piece of cloth on my hair, thats all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If you are calculating it equation-ally, then she has one step ahead of you, she followed a doubt for obedience and submission to Allah, you didn’t.


    2. “Do you follow the five pillars of Islam? So do I. Do you follow the sunnah? Sodo I. Do u cover yourself? So do I. I don’t wear abaya or an iconic piece of cloth on my hair, thats all.”

      I’m sorry but you made me laugh. You claim you follow the sunnah yet you say you don’t cover your hair. Just to let you know cover yourself as a women is a Sunnah itself and this is the type of of Sunnah that’s fard an obligation. It’s called a “sunnah” bc the sahabiaths have practiced this and it’s an obligation bc Allaah has commanded us in the Quran with his beautiful words to cover.

      You said you follow the 5 pillars of Islam? Yet you argue about the commandments of Allaah Subhana wa ta’alas words ; as if these aren’t part of the Quran. Pls go check your beliefs bc you really don’t know what your Deen is about. You sound confused and ignorant as heck. Anyway have yourself a good day! May Allaah guide me and you.


      1. Your post is rude and character is an incredibly important quality in Islam. It is her own beliefs and if she chooses not to wear hijab, that is her choice. Please be more respectful and open-minded. May Allah guide us all, Ameen.

        Liked by 1 person

  41. Once I read your essay, I thought that I will never take my veil off. On the other hand, the replies on your article made me confused LOL.


    1. With all the insults and attacks I’m getting about this article, your comment affected me and made me a little sad. God knows my intention was to celebrate and praise Muslim women like yourself who take pride in their hijab. I apologize if my writing caused anger and confusion. Please don’t let it affect you negatively.

      Liked by 1 person

  42. So not true .. Don’t talk on our behalf miss ! If we we’re THAT shallow , we would have never had the courage to remove our veils and be spoken of as UNCOVERED !!

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Lovely piece. Everyone has their own struggles and although it may sound crazy but sometimes people who take off their hijab are in denial with regards to why they are doing in. Or it may be due to something which stems from one of your above mentioned reasons.
    Another thing I’d like to add is that if you don’t agree with the author, there’s a much more descent and reasonable way to let her know. Let’s not stoop to low levels using inappropriate language and sarcasm. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  44. you have NO idea what you are talking about ,
    in order to know ” why women are taking their veils off” , don’t you think you should have talked to some of these women ?
    you CLEARlY have NO idea what you are talking about !


    1. Whoa easy there Ghost writer lol
      I actually do agree that when writing about such a sensitive topic you need to talk to people who have experienced it. That’s why I interviewed about 20 women who took off the hijab who were “brave enough” like I said in the beginning to uncover the real reasons behind their act. I also researched close to 50 articles that speak about the same topic, quoting women who took off the hijab from different parts of the world, and found the same results.
      Of course I don’t expect 2 billion people to relate to my words lol. We all have different experiences and this is why I apologized if I had offended anyone.

      Anyways thanks for reading and have a great day

      Liked by 3 people

  45. I am a man who sees a lot of women these days take off their hijab.. and it frustrates me on a personal level due to the lack of faith i see in their hearts..
    I do not claim to know how hard it is to be a woman who wears hijab but i really wish they just believe more.. or atleast not argue that it is not obligatory in quraan, and know that they are doing something wrong by removing their hijab.
    I really wish one day people just do the right thing inspite of any other factor that might effect them.. The right choice is always clear to those who truly seek it

    I will share your post and I hope it reaches others just as it reached me.. if i were a woman i would have wore the hijab after reading your post 🙂

    God bless you, great job

    Liked by 1 person

  46. “This comes from nowhere near a high horse!”

    Darling, this comes from a freaking buraq on its way to the seventh heaven. Also, apart from how oversimplified, patronizing and condescending the reasons are, they are very repetitive and nothing mentioned is novel.
    Maybe you should change the title to “Top Four Shittiest Reasons Why People Claim Women Take off their Hijab”. The article would have some sense to it then.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Great I might just try that ( not sure if the title would be fit for publishing on an Islamic site though lol)
      Thanks for taking the time to comment Salma and especially for the funny vivid image of the Buraq lol.
      I’ll try to make more sense in the future inshAllah.


    2. After Deep thinking Women takeoff veil because they got faith disorder, if she really believed then she never takeoff veil


  47. None of the abovementioned reasons goes right with me.
    Once I removed my veil, “Muslim” men stopped harrassing me – I simply wasn’t an option to marry anymore. Before, being a white convert… well, let’s say, even greeting back was interpreted as my willingness to marry them just the other day.
    Since I removed my veil, I have never again been approached by men the way it was before. I feel much more respected now. Men (and women) see me as a person – not as an object anymore. I am valued for what I am and achieve, not for a picture they have in their head when fitting a scarf to their cliché (this goes both for Muslims and non-Muslims!). Sad but true.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Salam Anastasia,
      I just wanted to say that I understand your reason, and have seen examples that support exactly what you’re saying. I read the sincerity in your message. That is a shame that hijab was not understood as a barrier by those men. Your message shows the situation can be more complex than people realise -there are many different circumstances and contexts that affect sisters. I say this as someone who wears the hijab and am very content with it, and being a brown person I basically don’t have to go through the experiences you described – instead I am more likely to get racist remarks, although not often alhamdulillah. The main point I want to make is – we have our different struggles, but we are all united by our love for Allah. Thanks for sharing your experience with us, dear sister.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Thank you so much !! Same happened here .. With all my due respect to the article , it’s too far away from reality 🙂 yeah since i took my veil off , no one’s harassing me , no more annoyings on the street , i feel like a respectful person and inshallah i’ll never go back to it .
      Proud to be unveiled .. Cuz i had the courage to choose and be who i truly am


    3. I am also a white revert and I have this exact problem… I’ve gotten more attention from men since I started hijab less than two months ago than I had for the last five years previous!! If I took my hijab off (which I don’t currently want to do) nobody would even pay me any heed. I could walk around as an anonymous Jane. As it is, I stick out like a sore thumb everywhere I go.


  48. Assalamualaikum wr wb
    To make it simple :
    The just let syaitan win over them.

    May Allah SWT guide them to the right path.


    1. Everyone giving advice is already struggling with a sin of his or her own. Life is an endless battle for each and everyone of us
      May Allah guide us all…

      Thank you for your comment Aulia


  49. Assalamu alaikum sisters. As a woman who removed her headscarf two years ago, I will tell you that none of this resonated truth with me. Although some of it may be true for some women, there are more nuanced and spiritual motivations that many of us have for not covering our hair and neck. The article doesn’t cite any source that can back up these claims. Rather it’s shallow, speculative and presumptuous.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. And then the author got attacked lol…

      Thank you for your comment Rahila and for taking the time to read this piece.
      There’s a part two on my blog that cites sources and everything if you’re still interested
      Again, only God knows what’s in our hearts and He is the Judge. I apologize if my words have offended you in any way.


      1. I don’t see a part two link anywhere or hint of it except for this comment. When you have sources, you need to cite them directly in the body of the article. In its current form, this is an opinion piece only. I say that the article, not you, is shallow (lacking depth). Without first hand accounts, you need to clearly state that these thoughts come from your personal observations and speculations.

        Unless you personally go through the spiritual/intellectual struggle of determining that the head scarf isn’t going to be part of your religious practice anymore, you can’t make these kinds of statements. Those of us who have go through it do not like for others to speak on our behalf.


        1. You’re right. I should have put a link to part two or cited all sources in part one. My bad. I would like to thank you for the advice. I’ll use it in the future inshAllah
          And as far as the statements I made, well I just might be one of those women who took off the hijab at a point in my life for all you know, right? 🙂
          Anyways here are the links:

          Originally published on Ink Of Faith

          And also on my personal blog

          These are links to part two: Uncovered Too: Women Who Took Off The Hijab Speak Out


    2. Thank you rahila .. I’m so happy that unveiled women disagree cuz it made no sense to me neither
      I took my veil off two years ago and i feel very happy and satisfied .. extreme pride and Zero guilt


      1. I disagree with saying ‘extreme pride and zero guilt’ with taking off hijab.
        I DO understand that hijab is a struggle for many and I’m NOT trying to be the judge of what Allah swt will say on judgement day or how this sin will be written, but IT IS A SIN.
        It’s like any other fard in Islam–it is a sin if you don’t do it.

        Saying you have ‘extreme pride and zero guilt’ about a straight up sin is just not right.

        May Allah swt guide me and you.


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