If You Want Peace, Quit Fighting!!

If you’re striving to be a peacemaker, you can be sure that God is pouring out His blessing upon you, whether or not those blessings will be seen clearly this side of immortality. As it’s mentioned in Holy Qur’an in Surah Al-Baqrah, “O you, who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient. {2:153}

God wants us to be bridge-builders. He wants us to enter situation and every relationship in a constructive way. I often pray that God will help me do this, I urge you to do the same: God, help me always to seek to build up and not to tear down, to be constructive and never destructive.

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If Only O Man You Believed!

If only O man you believed!
The kalimah He lovingly sent!
The La ilaaha illal-lahu,
Muhammadur Rasulullah!
He asks you to bow down to Him,
And He will make all bow down to you.
He asks nothing,
In return from you,
But promises a gazillion things,
Count to them,
And remain counting,
The nth blessings will never end.
If only O man you believed!
The kalimah He lovingly sent!
The La ilaaha illal-lahu,
Muhammadur Rasulullah!

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Hunting Happiness: Why Am I Always Sad?

I had pondered for a good while. What is the most apt adjective for the title of this article? Chasing? Pursuing? Wanting? No, we’re hungrier. We’re actually starving. Our very souls are craving happiness; that true form of joy that is ever so elusive. Satan has utilised this hunger and we’ve become predators, preying on every chance of satisfying the beasts within.

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